DHA Questions with Answer

1. Therapeutic use of clotrimazole

Topical Antibacterial

Systemic Antifungal

Topical Anti Fungal

Systemic Antibacterial

2. While dispensing metronidazole patient should be informed about


Reddish discoloration of urine

Avoid Alcohol Intake

Take the drug with meals

3. A nurse is providing care to a patient with a new skin graft on the leg. The patient is upset and the nurse notes copious red drainage oozing around the dressing the nurse should immediately:

Ask if the patient is having any pain

Apply firm pressure for 10 to 15 minutes

Lift the dressing to assess the area

Assess the apical pulse.

4.Nasal suppositories are known as





5.Most common cause of perinatal mortality in multiple pregnancy





6..The nurse is assessing the growth and development of a healthy three year old child. The nurse should expect the child to be able to ?

Riding a bicycle

Hop on one foot

Throw a ball overhead

Jump to rope

7.A patient recent underwent coronary artery graft (CABG) surgery. Which of the following nursing diagnose PRIORITY?

Acute pain

Sleep deprivation

Impaired gas exchange


8.When caring for a patient with an ostomy the nurse knows that extra skin protection for the personal skin is MOST important for those patients with an

Sigmoid colostomy

Transverse colostomy


Ascending colostomy